The Mexico Jazz Tour

The Mexico Jazz Tour, featuring Richie Cole with Jazz greats as they toured Mexico in the summer of 2010. Starting in San Antonio, Texas, the all star jazz band and Richie Cole traveled to, and toured several cities throughout Mexico.
This is the trailer to the 16 episode documentary series.
Each episode is labeled with city that it was filmed in.
A portion of the proceeds of the Mexico Jazz Tour series benefit the Jazz Foundation Of America Dizzy Gilespie Memorial Fund
Musicians on on the tour and within these episodes  include:
* Richie Cole – Alto Saxophone
* Luis Gasca – Trumpet and Flugelhorn
* Gabriel Hernandez  – Piano, keyboard
* Tyler Mitchell – Bass
* Gene Perla – Bass / San Antonio
* Robert ‘Bobby Kap’ Kaplan – Drums
* Special guests in some cities
Producer, DP – Patrice Villastrigo
Editors – Joe Miraglilo – A-Wave Studios, and Patrice Villastrigo
A Skinny Llama Productions Documentary Series
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